A4A Piano using a Hilscher cifX and netPI with Real Time Ethernet communication
This example shows one application, running on an industrial PC on top of a GNU/Linux Debian Bullseye and using a Hilscher cifX board configured as EtherCAT Master, controlling a piano application.
The piano application is running on a netPI RTE 3 on top of a dockerised GNU/Linux Debian Buster with a Real Time kernel.
The docker image is provided here.
The piano application uses the netX 51 System on Chip from Hilscher configured as an EtherCAT Slave.
It is connected through an SPI connection to the Broadcom chip.
It's like having a Rasberry Pi 3 connected to a netRAPID.
The netPI RTE 3 has a little more to offer and fits nicely on my desk !
I had written about such configuration an article (in French) which has a (not very nice) photo :
Here is a link to Application 2 :
Application 2
Here is a link to Application A4A_HilscherX_Piano :
Application A4A_HilscherX_Piano